Monday, 2 March 2020

Meet the Fake Plastic Yuk!!

Given how much the united kingdom or various acts of union can produce such frothing, unreasoned devotion in a section of the population of the islands just off the continent of Europe, I think it is important thing to say that:

There is no such thing as the united kindom; there never has been any such thing as the united kingdom; there never will be any such thing as the united kingdom.

Once you realise this a whole opressive parcel of lies you have been fed since your childhood are blown away and you feel suddenly lightened and free! You've stopped accepting crap as truth and are much better for it. Of course those who need the so-called united kingdom and the acts of union as a fundamental part of their psychological make-up will feel angry and start offering threats of severe violence and so on.
The first thing to say is the universe existed before any so-called united kingdom ever did. There's a good 13 billion or 6,000 years (depending on your viewpoint) of existence ticking along just fine without a so-called united kingdom, which itself is about 300 years old at best and was compromised in the first half of the 20th Century. That is nothing! Why would you make such a fleeting piece of bugger all a fundamental part of your makeup? That is insane!!
The second thing to say is put better by a Mr Peter Mm:

So that's why England never got it's own parliament or assembly. It never lost it's own!

To be fair the so-called united kingdom is a result of the depraved desires of the ruling elite of England more than the English people themselves who have had to fight for centuries to get basic human rights from rulers who had no desire to grant these rights and would fight until blood flowed to keep them from the people of England. Democracy? What democracy?

Being of English hertiage (oh yes!), I find myself mourning the England that could have been. All the achievements lost or downed in the amoral hunger to be the biggest and best country in the whole world.
We didn't need to be and in the pursuit of it we lost a great and vital part of our soul. I cannot say the world is a better place because of it either. Sorry but that's what happens when you are lied to and you believe the lies as the perfect truth.
At the end of all this, there still is no uk. There is the yuk however, and that just makes you sick to the stomach.


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